How we work

Mark Muspratt

Working in partnership is essential to securing our vision of a healthy natural river, and to addressing the serious challenges facing the freshwater environment through innovative and ambitious restoration projects. We will work in partnership with:

● Volunteers, communities, landowners and businesses to deliver on-the-ground action for river restoration

● Government agencies, water companies, catchment partnerships and environmental organisations to ensure that the health of our rivers is embedded in planning and decision-making

We believe the only way we can achieve our vision is through collaboration with existing organisations working within the catchment and to bid jointly to increase chances of securing funding for multi-partner projects.

As we have limited capacity in our initial phase of development, we plan to proceed at a pace that is manageable. We are unlikely to be undertaking on-the-ground delivery projects within our first year.

Ultimately, our intention is to work across the whole catchment from source to sea – vitally important as many issues require a catchment-wide approach.

The rivers trust brand is attractive to private sector,  government funding, charitable funding as well as a growing number of individuals who care about their rivers.

We know we can learn from and be supported by the national Rivers Trust and the many other member trusts under that umbrella.

Ian Jackson